Once upon a time and there will always be St. Mark’s

This month’s window is dedicated to the exhibition “Once Upon a Time and There Will Always Be St. Mark’s“, on display at the Olivetti store designed by renowned Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa.

Organized by FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano with the St. Mark’s Square Association in collaboration with the Carlo Montanaro Archive / La Fabbrica del Vedere , it presents to the public fifty etchings, lithographs, photographs and film stills of St. Mark’s Square and the surrounding area. Some of these usable even with anaglyphic glasses for three-dimensional vision.

The Exhibition curated by friend collector and film historian Carlo Montanaro, illustrates through the works in his collection, all the stages of image processing since it is possible to reproduce them, focusing on a subject that is always the same and always different: St. Mark’s Square.

We proudly point out that among the exhibited works it is possible to observe a very rare allegory of Venice as seen from the basin of St. Mark’s, from a German publication, which reminds us how much OPTICS was also held in consideration among the arts practiced in Venice in the very early 1700s.  The print does not appear so far to have been published in any work devoted to the history of optics and spectacles and is in our private collection.

The exhibition is open to the public from February 14 until February 26, 2023.